Von Juni 2016 bis Mai 2020 promovierte ich an der Abteilung Personal des Insituts für Organisation und Personal der Universität Bern. Gemeinsam mit meinen Betreuenden
Prof. Dr. Andreas Hack und Ass. Prof. Dr. Julia de Groote habe ich drei verschiedene Studien im Forschungsschwerpunkt
Neurosensitivität im Unternehmenskontext umgesetzt.
Meine Doktorarbeit können Sie unter folgendem Link herunterladen: https://boristheses.unibe.ch/2364/
Abstract Dissertation:
This dissertation investigates the link between neurosensitivity (i.e., environmental sensitivity/sensory-processing sensitivity) and business-relevant behaviors. Study 1 conceptual-theoretically explores the link between neurosensitivity and organizational ambidexterity and social capital. Study 2 empirically examines neurosensitivity with organizational citizenship behavior and work conditions. Study 3 examines neurosensitivity with task performance and leadership. On the one hand, study 1 proposes that the diversity of neurosensitivity and, thus, neurodiversity, can serve as a source of competitive advantage. On the other hand, studies 2 and 3 suggest that vantage sensitivity can serve as a source of competitive advantage. In sum, the crucial question from a management perspective is not whether a person shows high or low levels of sensitivity, but rather whether that person is able to realize the potential of his or her vantage sensitivity level.